DRCC Recertification Workshops

By Bergen County Div. Mental Health & Addiction Svcs (other events)

2 Dates Through Sep 19, 2024

Bergen County DRCC volunteers are invited to attend both of the following brief meetings followed by a 2-hour virtual workshop. These workshops have been approved by the state to use for recertification credits. We will review the re-certification process. You may also qualify to receive CE's.

Maximizing Your Resilience and Self-Management (Advanced Stress Management) September 12, 2024 9-11am

This workshop builds upon the fundamentals seminar and focuses on more advanced stress management skills. Participants are taught how to use a daily stress diary that dissects their cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and physiological responses to stress. Different stress management strategies are discussed with sample probes from these perspectives, enabling participants to understand their reactions to different approaches and develop a personalized plan for managing stress compatible with their individuality.

Enhancing Your Emotion Recognition (Advanced Emotional Intelligence) September 19, 2024 9-11am

This workshop builds upon the fundamentals seminar and focuses on describing Emotional Intelligence and its benefits in improving communication skills at work and home. The seminar outlines specific steps participants can take to increase their emotional intelligence and encourages practice and application strategies.

Bergen County Div. Mental Health & Addiction Svcs